18.11 - 11.12.2022

The exhibition “ZISSEL” tells a story about an annual local fun fair in
the middle of Germany in Kassel, where the artist is based.
Janosch feiertag’s artistic practice focuses on interpersonal relations.
In this context, a local reference is very important to him. He asks
himself how social microcosms and their specific characteristics, such
as a village or a street, can be applied to problems and issues
affecting society in general and how we can learn from them. The
starting point of his artistic research is often encounters in public
Feiertag studied visual communication and fine arts at the
Kunsthochschule Kassel, DE and at the Jan Matejko Academy of fine Arts,
Krakow, PL. In 2017, during his studies, he opened the FEIERTAG gallery
in Kassel which is accompanied by a public billboard. The gallery is
co-run with Hamburg based artist Malte Stiehl. Feiertag lives and works
in Kassel as a freelance artist, illustrator and curator.
Past exhibitions include Ruruhaus Kassel, DE, Kunsthalle Willingshausen,
Willingshausen, DE, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, DE, Hugenottenhaus,
Kassel, DE, Torun, Ankara, TR, Stellwerk, Kassel, DE, Interim
Kulturbahnhof, Kassel, DE, Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin, DE and Galerie
Feiertag, Kassel, DE, Ta·da Copenhagen, DK.